Dental Implant

Dental Implant

Dental Implant

Implant Treatment

Implant Treatment, as with everything in the human body, many of our features are prone to wear and tear. This wear can also be seen on our teeth.

Although teeth are harder than bones, they are one of the most flexible and durable parts of the human body. Despite their durability, they are not immune to deterioration over time.

Tooth loss may occur due to factors such as wear, impact, decay due to advanced age or insufficient care. The loss of one or more teeth can interfere with even simple oral functions such as chewing and cause great discomfort to people. 

But thanks to the development of today's modern medicine, we can now correct such situations.

Dental Implant Treatment

For over 50 years, dental implant treatment has been the procedure to correct tooth loss.

Our doctors make a cavity in the jawbone by perforating the gums in the area of ​​missing teeth. Next, they add a post to drive the replacement of the artificial tooth. Finally, operators attach an artificial thread to this post. This will allow you to have a natural-looking prosthesis.

Dental implant treatment offers a good alternative to become more comfortable than bad and useless dentures and bridge treatments.

Implant Treatment in Turkey

Currently, it has become quite popular to receive implant treatment in Turkey. So much so that our country is called one of the best dental tourism destinations.

Every year, half a million people come to Turkey for dental treatment. The reason for this is simple: first-class operational quality, first-class service, and affordable price.

Besides low pricing, Turkey has a strong staff with highly trained and experienced experts. Smilexp’Hair is the most equipped physicians selected among these trained and experienced physicians.

Implant Treatment Costs

Low prices and quality service are the reason why it attracts many people from all over the world to the Turkish dental clinic. In addition to these, you can also benefit from the beauties of Turkey. Turkey has a lot to offer its visitors, from its cultural heritage to natural beauties.

FAQ – Implant Treatment

Q: How long can the implants be used?

A: Dental implants have a long lifespan as they are not subject to tooth decay. They typically have a lifespan of up to 20 years, with a few reconditioning sessions as needed.

Do not forget that maintaining gum health is very important for its durability.

Q: Do dental implants fall out?

A: It is very unlikely that they will fall because they are fixed by drilling in the jawbone. If the gum health remains good, the procedure is permanent.

Q: Does the dental implant hurt?

A: No, it doesn't hurt at all. Regional anesthesia is used during the procedure. Many people can perform daily activities after treatment.

Q: Do dental implants need special care?

A: Continue to do your normal grooming: brush, floss and do your regular cleanings.


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