Legal Notice

Legal Notice

Thank you for trusting Smilexp'Hair,welcome tothe community! To allow you to use our services in the best way, please read these general conditions of use.

In accordance with theprovisions of the law  for confidence in the digital economy, we inform you that the Site is the property of the company  Smilexp'Hair

For any information relating to the Site and its operation, you can make your request to the following address:


Todetermine the rules of use of the Site by the User, as well as the obligations to be borne by  Smilexp'Hair.

The User undertakes, at each of his visits to the Site, to respect applicable to all the services and content available on the Site.

Consequently, the User accepts, without reservation, in their entirety before any use of the Site and its services.

The simple use of the Site automatically implies acceptance by the User.


Smilexp'Hair reserves the right to modify, at any time, in order to take into account any legal, jurisprudential, editorial, functional and/or technical developments that are required.

The prevailing version is the one that is accessible and downloadable online on the

Site on the day of use by the User and available at the address

Any use of the Site made by the User after the publication modified implies acceptance by the latter of said.


The Site offers Users a service allowing them to consult the services  for aesthetics and hair transplantation  catalog.


The use of the Site and its services implies acceptance, without however making it mandatory to create a User account.

The Site allows the User free access to the services.

The Site is accessible free of charge by any User with an Internet connection.

The costs incurred (internet connection, computer equipment... ) by the User to access the Site remain at his expense.


Smilexp'Hair is the exclusive owner of all intellectual property rights relating to the development of the Site and its content, unless expressly stated otherwise.

The User must seek the prior authorization of Smilexp'Hair  for any reproduction, publication, copy of the various contents present on the Site.

Any reproduction, partial or total, by any process whatsoever, of the content of the Site without the prior authorization of Smilexp'Hair,would constitute a following infringement of the Intellectual Property Code.


The User's personal data is collected and stored by to allow the execution of these terms and conditions.

Smilexp'Hair reserves the right to keep certain data in order to justify, if necessary, the perfect performance of its contractual or legal obligations. The data thus stored will be limited to what is strictly necessary for the operation of the service.

Smilexp'Hair undertakes to put all the measures in place to best protect the confidentiality of the information provided by the User.


By accepting these terms and conditions, the User acknowledges that when browsing the Site, a Cookie may be automatically installed on his browser.

The User accepts the use of Cookies when browsing the Site, failing which certain features of the Site may be refused.

The purpose of these Cookies is to allow a faster and more efficient navigation of the User during his various connections on the Site.

The User may, if he wishes, disable Cookies through the settings of the browser used to access the Site.


The present produce effects from the access to the Site by the User, and this without it being necessary to create a user account or to identify oneself on the site.

They apply as long as the User benefits from the services of Smilexp'Hair.


In its relationship with the User, Smilexp'Hair  cannot be held responsible:

 non-functioning or impossibility of access, or poor conditions of use of the Site;

 any loss of data, time, opportunity and/or any other indirect damage related to the use of the Site.


These constitute the entirety of the terms and conditions agreed between Smilexp'Hair  and the User and replace any prior agreement, written or oral, relating to the subject of the.

All additional or different terms and conditions relating to the subject of the GTCU and appearing in any written or oral communication addressed to Smilexp'Hair  will be null and void and unenforceable.


If, for any reason and to any extent whatsoever, any provision hereof should be held to be void or unenforceable, such nullity or unenforceability shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the other clauses hereof and the provision concerned shall be enforced to the extent permitted by law.


The User has a right of recourse to a consumer mediator for the amicable resolution of any dispute relating to the execution of these Terms, as provided for and following of the Consumer Code.


These are governed by law in  the chosen language.

This is the case for the substantive rules and the rules of form, notwithstanding the places of performance of the obligations arising.


In the event of a dispute and in the absence of an amicable solution, express jurisdiction is attributed to the Courts of Paris, notwithstanding plurality of defendants or appeal in guarantee, even for emergency procedures or for protective procedures, in summary or by request.
